Fascial Stretch Therapy
Fascial Stretch Therapy is a revolutionary system of table-based assisted stretching that focuses on the fascia in achieving optimal flexibility, strength, performance, and pain relief.
Fascia is a three-dimensional web of tissue that permeates and envelops all structures within the body. It extends from head to toe, front to back, without interruption, and is THE most influential factor affecting your flexibility.
47% of your flexibility is locked up in your joint capsule
42% of your flexibility potential is in your fascia
Stretching can reduce or eliminate tight muscles
Stretching can reduce or eliminate stiff joints
Stretching improves your circulation
Stretching makes you feel and look younger
Stretching makes you stronger
Stretching makes you taller
Stretching can reduce pain
Assisted stretching works much better than self-stretching
Effects of Untreated Fascia
Decreased joint space leading to degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis
Increased muscle tone can lead to trigger points, strains, tears, and tendonitis
Increased nervous system tone can lead to trigger points, muscle tightness, and headaches
Increased scar tissue formation
Decreased blood flow, decreased energy, increased fatigue
Features of Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)
Manipulates, lengthens, re-aligns, and reorganizes your fascia
Increases joint space
Eliminates trigger points
Improves muscle activation and relaxation
Improves flexibility with the first session and becomes cumulative with multiple sessions
Benefits of FST
Improved posture and functional ability
No pain, allowing you to enjoy a life of quality
Restoration of normal joint space
Noted difference in sports performance
Reduces injury risk
Improve Your Total Wellness with Total Stretch
With the proper amount of tension, fascia helps support the alignment of your bones while being elastic enough to permit full, unrestricted movement
Fascia will shorten, thicken, and tighten because of
Aging Poor posture Overtraining
Dehydration Lack of exercise Emotional stress
Surgery Injury Repetitive motion
Disease Poor body mechanics
NO medication can improve your fascia and NO supplement can optimize your fascia
Healthy circulation in your muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain, and spinal cord is largely dependent on your fascia’s optimal flexibility
Exercise alone cannot optimally balance, align, or improve fascia